Women's Ministry

Women’s Bible Study

Join us as we study the book of 2 Samuel throughout the fall semester! We meet on Wednesday mornings from 9:15-10:45 at Bethany Chapel (404 N. President S, Wheaton.) and on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 at Crossway (1300 Crescent St, Wheaton.) Our study begins on September 11th and continues through early December, and registration is open throughout the semester.

Please email Cindy Cochrum with questions.


Our Mission is to glorify God as women, seeking the eternal good of others for the sake of Jesus Christ.


Our Vision:

To see the women of CPC . . . 

  • Be transformed by God’s Word
  • Grow in love for Jesus
  • Live out the gospel in their personal lives, in their families and church family, and in their communities.

Study. Service. Support. Social.

We spend time together in the Word of God, learn about our Savior, Jesus Christ, which grows in us a heart to share the good news of the Gospel with our neighbors. 

  • Weekly women’s Bible study including small group discussion and teaching
  • Training through church classes in Bible study and leadership
  • Panels and speakers addressing topics with particular relevance to women 

We help those inside and outside of CPC by providing material needs, offering our energy and time, showing the love of Christ in practical ways .

  • Children’s ministry
  • Music ministry
  • Catechism club for children
  • Volunteering / supporting our partner ministries

We come alongside one another in times of crisis, reminding one another who we are as redeemed women and that our hope, no matter our earthly circumstances, rests in Jesus .

  • Meal trains 
  • Visitations
  • Gatherings for young moms
  • Informal mentoring among older and younger women

We gather together frequently seeking to know one another through various activities, meals and times of deeper conversation, which knits us together into the bride of Christ.

  • A biennial women’s retreat
  • Seasonal holiday gatherings 
  • Group and one-on-one meetings 



Please email us for information (cindy.cochrum@cpcwheaton.com). We would love to connect with you!

As we study, learn, grow, and challenge one another, deep bonds are formed that allow us to “encourage one another and build one another up..” as we wait for Christ’s return (1 Thessalonians 5:11a).