Authority of Scripture

Most basically, we as a church submit ourselves to the truth and authority of God’s inspired Word, the Bible. Everything we do and teach, and the way that the church is led, must be according to what God has revealed to us in Scripture. We seek to be a church that is centered around the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the redemptive work of God on behalf of sinful people that lies at the very center of the Bible’s revelation.

Westminster Confession of Faith

As a PCA church, the leadership of Christ Presbyterian subscribes to the theology and doctrine of Scripture and the Westminster Confession of Faith. The WCF was composed in 1646 in England, and has served as a faithful articulation of the reformed Christian faith for centuries. It is not equal to God’s Word, the Bible, in authority, but our denomination, along with the leadership of our church, subscribe to it as both truthful and helpful in communicating our beliefs about God, humanity, sin, salvation, the church, and our world.

Book of Church Order

In church life, we function according to the Book of Church Order. Again, this does not hold the weight or authority of Scripture, but we as a denomination have committed together to lead and function according to the agreed-upon practices contained in the BCO.