Who We Are

Our Mission: To glorify God and seek the eternal good of others for the sake of Jesus Christ

Our Vision: To see…

  • The Word preached and the gospel proclaimed
  • Reverent worship within the reformed theological tradition
  • Spiritual growth, conversions, and discipleship of the next generation
  • A caring, generous, and hospitable congregation - inwardly & outwardly
  • Multiplication of gospel-centered, confessionally-reformed local churches

Our Distinctives:

  • The expository preaching of God’s Word and the weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper within the tradition of the  historic reformed faith 
  • Vibrant community groups & men’s & women’s ministries
  • Sunday evening worship – at least one Sunday per month
  • Remaining a “one gathering” church (avoiding multiple services)
  • Being a local congregation of 450-700 people 
  • The discipleship of members and raising up children and youth for God
  • Training and equipping college students & gospel ministers
  • Actively and prayerfully planting churches locally and regionally
  • Radical hospitality and generosity - opening homes, hands, and hearts
  • Supporting global missions and local evangelism & mercy ministries