Men's Ministry

The CPC Men's Ministry seeks to form a band of brothers who support and encourage each other as we “run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Heb. 12:1-2).

Here are some of the regular gatherings of the Men's Ministry:

Weekly Bible Study

Our Men’s Bible Study is studying 2 Samuel in the fall of 2024. Their will be two groups meeting each week—one on Tuesday in West Chicago and one on Wednesday in Wheaton. Please contact Pastor Brian ( for more information or to connect with the group.

Monthly Lunches

Our men meet together for lunch one Friday a month at the CPC offices for a time of fellowship and encouragement - specifically for those working in business in the downtown Wheaton area. The vision for these lunches is: “To help CPC men pursue Christ as tenaciously as they pursue their careers.” Contact Pastor Jon ( for more details.